My Naturopath....Naturopathic Doctor Subscription Based Membership
Posted by Keith Henry on
What will all of this value cost?
$149.00 Monthly Fee
More Details
How Does It Work?
In short once you become a member, you get an incredible member discount for any service that we offer...
And I mean an INCREDIBLE Member nothing you have seen before...See what we mean below!
Basic Naturopathic consultation-1 hour verbal consult concerning issue.-
Non-Member: $175 – Your Member Cost- $0
Naturopathic Consult + Written Specialized Protocol *includes 2 follow-ups.
Non-Member: $450.00--Your Member Cost $0
Naturopathic Consult Upgrade Package includes everything above plus blood tests and saliva hormone tests ( if deemed necessary) and the first round of any recommended supplements or herbs: *Includes 4 Follow-ups:
Non-Member Cost $750.00- Member Cost - Fee For Any Blood/Saliva Test
Naturopathic Longterm Package - Includes issues that may require long-term consultations/recommendations and follow-ups in attempting to get the desired results. (For example a protocol to help strengthen fatigued adrenals may take 3 months to obtain the desired results, and will cost anywhere from $3500-$5000 including blood test, saliva tests, and follow-ups.) However this program includes all of the benefits from the consult upgrade package above +10 follow-up visits, or until the desired results are reached whichever comes first.
Non-Member Cost $3,500-$5000 Member Cost $1000.00
All members will receive specific instructions on how to access the services upon membership, as well as the outline of how the program works.
So don't delay, sign up now... if you come back in the future and see any one of the programs that have been filled you will see the words in bold print
...MEMBERSHIP CURRENTLY CLOSED! Don't let that happen to you...