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Podcast: Cabbage A Powerful Natural Medicine? Thyme Oil Beats Ibuprofen..Much More!!

Posted by Keith Henry on

Join Dr. Henry for another fascinating and informative episode of Phase 3 Wellness. All cabbages, including white cabbages (which are the most commonly eaten cabbages in the United States), contain high concentrations of disease-fighting phytonutrients, such as polyphenols and glucosinolates. Dr. Henry discusses the amazing cabbage in more detail, and its amazing healing capacities.

Researchers from have confirmed that thyme is not only an excellent pain-relieving herb. It also reduces pain of difficult menstruation better than ibruprofen.Dr. Henry discusses this amazing herb and these insightful findings. Listen Dr. Henry follows his normal forma (The Week In Natural News Review, Healing Foods Segment, Healing Herb/Supplement Segment) in covering the topics above plus much much more.


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