Some Surprising Benefits of Asparagus
Posted by Keith Henry on
Asparagus, also known scientifically as Asparagus Officinalis, can be grown in almost all regions of the world. It is one of the most popular vegetable crops in the world. It has been used for food and medicinal purposes for hundreds of years.
Histories and Nutritional Profile
There are two types of asparagus: white and green. White varieties are more common in countries like Peru, Belgium, and the Netherlands. However, others such as those in the United Kingdom, tend to only find the green variety in supermarkets. The green form has held a larger global market share than the white, and some countries are not aware of its existence.
Asparagus is low in calories but packs a lot of nutrition. One-half cup (or approximately 90 grams) of cooked asparagus provides 18% of the daily recommended intake (RDI) of Vitamin C, 57% of the RDI for vitamin K as well as 34% of the RDI for folate.
Asparagus is a standout source of vitamin Vitamin K an essential nutrient, known to play a vital role in blood clotting and bone health. This nutrient can also be considered anticancer or insulin-sensitizing.
It is impossible to talk about this vegetable without mentioning the unpleasant smell that emerges in the urine of some people after they eat it.
Some scientists believe that people smell the asparagus odor immediately after eating it. However, a study published in Chemical Senses suggests that this may not be true for everyone. Some people don't produce the smell while others can detect it. Researchers suggested that it could be due to genes.
Asparagus Benefits
Here are some health benefits that asparagus can provide:
According to Korean scientists, asparagus can help prevent a hangover. As it turns out, extracts of asparagus contain amino acids and minerals that can protect liver cells from toxins that are contained in alcohol. In no way are we encouraging the drinking of alcohol, but simply pointing out the available research.
The researchers tested the extract on liver cells from animals and humans, and found that it significantly reduced cellular toxicities often associated with chronic alcohol abuse.
2. Inhibits the Growth of Leukemia Cells
Two phytochemicals found abundantly in asparagus are promisingly linked to positive research in that they may inhibit the growth of leukemia cells. Researchers concluded that the' inhibitory effect on DNA synthesis is irreversible.
3. Keep Depression at bay
Researchers looked into the antidepressant effects of Asparagus adscendens, a standard hydroethanolic extract. Pretreatment results showed that 14 days of treatment had produced antidepressant-like results. The behavioral improvements were supported by increased levels of monoamines in asparagus-treated animals and lower corticosterone levels.
Asparagus cochinchinensis is another variety. It also has antidepressant-like properties as well as neuroprotective properties.
4. Lower Blood Pressure
Potassium, which is a mineral that lowers blood pressure, is found in asparagus.
A study with animal models was done to study high blood pressure. The subjects were given a diet that contained 5% asparagus, or a standard diet without the vegetable.
The animals fed the asparagus diet showed significantly lower systolic and urinary protein excretion after 10 weeks than those on the standard diet. Asparagus may inhibit ACE activity in kidneys, thereby preventing high blood pressure and assisting with renal function.