Understanding AO Wellness Bio-Scan Results-Dr. Keith Henry
Posted by Keith Henry on
This is a brief video to help those who have undergone the AO Bio-scan with me, to help them understand how to understand what their report is saying about their body. Those who have gotten their scan elsewhere may also benefit from this brief explanition, This video is not designed to be a break down of what I would do as a naturopathic doctor to correct issues that may come up in the report. It is simply a first look understanding for those who may receive their scan results and feel overwhelmed or afraid.
- Tags: naturopath, naturopathic care, wellness scan
Reserve Your AO Bio- Scan Package Now...Your Heatlh Is That Important
Posted by Keith Henry on
Bio-Scan technology has changed the game in wellness. At Phase 3 Wellness we use two of the major applications in this field. We use both Zyto scan technology, and AO scan technology. AO Bio-Scan Package The methods used in AO Scan Technology are supported by a plethora of research from peer-reviewed publications, independent research analysis, and practical experiences. It is based on technology used by Astronauts, Cosmonauts, physicians, chiropractors, and naturopaths in numerous countries around the world with reported success. ...
Naturopathic physician, Dr. Brandy Rose Lipscomb, Shares 4 of Her Favorite Homeopathic Remedies For Pain
Posted by Keith Henry on
Use This For Spider Bites Or Ecoli
Posted by Keith Henry on
- Tags: healing, herbs, natural medicine
My Naturopath....Naturopathic Doctor Subscription Based Membership
Posted by Keith Henry on
***This OFFER Is Insane!*** When the coronavirus exploded upon the world there was essentially nothing offered as a solution... The solution was to wait on the development of a vaccine. As a result many people began to search out holistic or natural solutions. Additionally, many people found these solutions to be extremely helpful! Thus, the extreme value of a holistic or naturopathic approach can be seen even in life-threatening circumstances. Quality alternative health information and services can...